&hint1=I am a large stone sculpture& &hint2=I was situated at the entrance of the Templo Mayor in what is present-day Mexico City& &hint3=My children are the sun god and the moon goddess& &hint4=I am the Aztec earth goddess& &choices=Mask of Tlaloc;Bodhisattva Kuan-yin of the South Seas;Cleobis and Biton;Coatlicue;Vairocana Buddha and Attendants;Zeus or Poseidon& &answer=Coatlicue& &search=Coatlicue& &title=Coatlicue, Tenochtitlan, Mexico& &artist=& &medium=Stone& &date=Aztec period, c.1500 CE& &location=Museo Nacional de Antropologia, Mexico City& &dimensions=height 8'6"&